
Spoiled Kids

One little boy screaming and crying at the top of his lung right in the middle of the shopping mall at toys department. At first thought, everyone might think but the boy is in pain but the truth is he just cry his lung out so his mother can get the toy that he wants. This picture can be seen in our everyday life when the kids are going crazy to get what they want and their parents happen to spoil them.

When I think about that situation I think that a lot of kids had been spoiled by their parents badly but this is not the worst part. If the kids have always been spoiled when they were young, they will continue doing that because they know that their action can get what they want from the parents. And when they are older they will learn that bad habit from their young age and continue doing that. The worst part about this is when the kids are out of control and nobody can really tell them what to do. Not even their parents.

Teachers seem to be the people who have to deal with this kind of kids all the time. Some kids ca be helped but some kids are hopeless. Then they will cause more trouble to our society. Some of them become drug addict and most of them become dangerous criminal.

It’s ok to love your own kids but it’s bad to spoil them. Sometime the kids can just deal with little disappointment like say no when they want some non-sense toys. After we deny them we give them a good reason. Then the kids will learn more about being more rational.

It doesn’t matter how rich or poor your are, you can raise your kids to be just as good as everyone else. It’s all depending on how you raise your children and how you teach them.

Posted by Chaiyot

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